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Teaching Staff

Sri Pranab K Ghosh
M.A, B.Ed.

Sri.Ashit Kumar Ghosh
B.A (Hons), B.Ed.

Sri.Swapan Kumar Mistri
M.A, B.Ed.

Sri.Kamala Prasanna Ghoshal
M.A, B.Ed.

Smt.Reeta Singh
M.A (Double), B.Ed.

Smt.Madhumita Chakroborty,

Smt.Nita Kumar Pathak,
M.A, B.Ed.

Sri.Amitava Patra
M.Sc. B.Ed.

Dhalbhum Road, SNP Area, Ambagan, Sakchi, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand - 831001 Phone:- 0657 223 5520, eMail:-
The site is maintained by a group of alums. And is not an official website of the school
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